June 27, 2014

Do you want to be a rock?

No, I don't mean a rock star. I mean a literal unmoving rock.

I came across an article last night notifying me that later in 2014 everyone can be a rock! How exciting!
"Rock Simulator 2014 is real, on Steam Greenlight"
Soon you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in an innovative and highly-detailed simulation: Rock Simulator 2014.

"This simulator is a rock enthusiasts dream. You can watch beautiful rocks in any location in the world," developer Strange Panther Games states on the Steam Greenlight page. "From grass plains to salt flats, there are dozens of hand designed BEAUTIFUL environments."

Some of those environments are presumably still in the concept stage, as the most recent development update includes a request for aid from a 3D modeler. Even so, things appear to be coming along well: The game is number 69 on the Greenlight rankings. Three Rock Simulator 2014 screens are also available, and while the backgrounds are clearly still in beta, the rocks themselves are some fine looking slabs of stone. Rock Simulator 2014 will launch as a PC exclusive single-player game.

Article source: http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/06/25/rock-simulator-2014-rolls-out-on-steam-greenlight/