October 18, 2012

3 Arrested in Japan for Uploading Games via WinMX

Fukuoka Police arrested three individuals on Tuesday on suspicion of uploading game software illegally onto the peer-to-peer file sharing program WinMX.

Those arrested include 41-year-old office worker Takao Ishii of Ebisu, Shibuya; 32-year-old part-time worker YĆ«suke Suzuki of Iwata, Shizuoka; and 25-year-old Hijiyama, Hiroshima resident Nozomi Hattori.

Each suspect allegedly used personal computers to share 19 to 22 copyrighted games (including WarioWare: Touched!, Another Code: Two Memories, F-Zero Maximum Velocity, Mega Man Battle Network, and Mr. Driller 2) from July to August. According to the authorities, all three admitted to the charges and had been distributing games on WinMX for the past seven to 10 years.

Kuroko's Basketball Creator Received Threat Notes With Powder, Liquid

The alma mater of Kuroko's Basketball manga creator Tadatoshi Fujimaki and other locations linked to the author were sent threat letters with an unknown powder and other substances earlier this month. According to the police, the Toyama High School in Tokyo's Shibuya ward received a threat letter with the powder on Tuesday. Sophia University received a hydrogen sulfide-like liquid and a letter last Friday.

In addition, a publisher in Tokyo's Suginami ward received powdered barium and a threat letter on Saturday. The letter warned about Kuroko's Basketball, saying, "If you do not stop the parody manga, you will get hydrogen sulfide" and other similar threats.

FNN posted a video report on the incidents.

Source: FNN via Uri-Sure Matome+ANN