Title: Hajimaru no wa, Sayonara
Artist: On/Off
Year: 2011
Year: 2011
Notes: The second opening song for the anime Beelzebub.
I really enjoyed the Beelzebub manga. It's is a shounen action/ slice of life/ comedy manga which follows the story of a male delinquent that has to look after and protect a demon baby (Baby Beel) from "hell". In return, he obtains insane strength which he utilizes to fend off enemies while accomplishing his mission to protect Baby Beel. The art is quite good, the girls are pretty hot and the babies are cute. However, I found the anime to be pretty boring and slow paced.
DDL: From Gendou.
I really enjoyed the Beelzebub manga. It's is a shounen action/ slice of life/ comedy manga which follows the story of a male delinquent that has to look after and protect a demon baby (Baby Beel) from "hell". In return, he obtains insane strength which he utilizes to fend off enemies while accomplishing his mission to protect Baby Beel. The art is quite good, the girls are pretty hot and the babies are cute. However, I found the anime to be pretty boring and slow paced.