January 14, 2014

Valvrave progress report: Night 5

I've kinda lost count of how long I've been spending building my VVV. At least 2.5 days and 5 nights in total. But everything is taking shape! I've got the arms and legs. I'm almost halfway through the instructions booklet.
Well I'm gonna call it a night and continue (re)-playing Brothers Conflict Brilliant Blue.
The beautiful blue eyes of my Husbando #1, Ukyo ~ <3
What is it like to fall in love, to have butterflies in your stomach, to have your breath taken away.

My husbando #2, Kaname ~ <3

There will always be someone "better" than you for better or worse

The sad truth that I can't ever be the happiest nor the saddest person on earth because somewhere there will be someone worse/better off than me.

A dose of cute

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