August 21, 2013

Pumpkin's Palette: メイドです! (I'm a maid!)

I saw Suwabe's maid cosplay from his twitter and I couldn't help but make a parody of it.
Characters that Suwabe has voiced recently.
Left to right: Yamato (Devil Survivor 2), Kaname (Brothers Conflict), Ren (UtaPri)

Brothers Conflict - Episode 8 [v.P]

Hey Bro! Apologies for the lateness of this post. My annoying internet/modem was playing up again. I wasn't able to connect to my life the internet for 90% of today, and I am indeed rather annoyed about that.
But here is my weekly fangirl dump.
Conflict 8: Nightmare.
The main focus of this episode is the relationship between Azusa and Tsubaki, and Tsubaki confronting his deepest feelings. This episode takes from volume 5 and volume 6 of the original novel series (*spoiler warning, reading the novels may spoil your anime experience).