June 7, 2013

Seiyuu info: Heights

I saw the following post while scrolling through twitter:
Heights of Male seiyuus.
Yusa Kouji (遊佐浩二)→173cm
Tatsuhisa Suzuki (鈴木達央)→173cm
Namikawa Daisuke (浪川大輔)→173cm
Fukuyama Jun (福山潤)→170cm
Ono Daisuke (小野大輔)→175cm
Maeno Tomoaki (前野智昭)→176cm
Inoue Kikuko (中井和哉)→169cm
Hino Satoshi (日野聡)→170cm
Hirakawa Daisuke (平川大輔)→167cm
Kishio Daisuke (岸尾だいすけ)→166cm
Terashima Takuma (寺島拓篤)→166cm

O.O Terashi and Hirarin's so short... I'm 166cm myself...

What my mother always yells at me at dinner time

Hataraku Maou sama #10

Pillow laptop

I need one of these so I can watch anime at all times.