Sega began streaming a new song introduction video for the Hatsune Miku Project Diva F musical rhythm game on Thursday. The seven-minute video highlights eight songs from the PlayStation Vita game, including "Odds & Ends" by supercell's Ryo.
Hatsune Miku Project Diva F is the finalized name for the title Sega codenamed as "Next Hatsune Miku Project Diva" until last month. The game will feature an AR mode that uses the PS Vita's camera to superimpose Hatsune Miku in the real world.
Sony will release a PlayStation Vita Hatsune Miku Limited Edition in Crystal White as a bundle with the game on August 30. Regular editions of the game will also ship on the same day. The PS Vita Card version will cost 7,329 yen (about US$92), and the downloadable version will cost 6,600 yen (US$83).
Source: ANN
Pumpkin: All of my favourites songs! Ryo's new song ODDS&ENDS sounds really cool and so does 8#Prince's Weekender Girl. Ah I wish I had a PSP.