Title: Mirai Chizu (Map of the Future)
Artist: Otoya Ittoki (Takuma Terashima), Masato Hijirikawa (Kenichi Suzumura), Natsuki Shinomiya (Kishou Taniyama), Tokiya Ichinose (Mamoru Miyano), Ren Jinguuji (Junichi Suwabe), and Syo Kurusu (Hiro Shimono).
Year: 2011
Notes: Insert song for the anime Uta no Prince sama.
OAOAOAOAO! I can't believe I haven't posted anything about UtaPri yet, my #1 anime of all time. I can and will fall in love over and over again with these bishies and their amazing and beautiful voices. I promise I'll go and write an anime review on it in the coming weeks, after I rewatch it (for the 8th time). So I guess I'll ramble about how much and why I love it in the review rather than here.
This song moves my heart (almost to tears) every time I listen to it. The voices of the six boys just match and mixes so well together. The lyrics are also very meaningful.
OAOAOAOAO! I can't believe I haven't posted anything about UtaPri yet, my #1 anime of all time. I can and will fall in love over and over again with these bishies and their amazing and beautiful voices. I promise I'll go and write an anime review on it in the coming weeks, after I rewatch it (for the 8th time). So I guess I'll ramble about how much and why I love it in the review rather than here.
This song moves my heart (almost to tears) every time I listen to it. The voices of the six boys just match and mixes so well together. The lyrics are also very meaningful.
DDL: From Gendou music (Requires account - it's easy to make one!)